Create or edit existing job description

Access your job descriptions through the main dashboard. You can either:

  • Select an existing job description and click the Setup

    icon to modify it

  • Click “Generate new job description” in the top right to start fresh


Configure structure & requirements

Start by setting up your job description structure:

Template Selection

  • Choose from our template library

  • Customize section structure

  • Add or remove sections as needed

Note: Regenerating the job description will overwrite existing content. Make sure to save any important changes before regenerating.

Key Information

Complete the essential details:

Position TitleThe role you are hiring for
ClientYour client name
LanguageThe language in which you would like the report to be generated
Key requirementsAny specific details you would like to be included

Section Builder

Organize your job description with standard sections:

  1. Company Overview

  2. Role Description

  3. Responsibilities

  4. Requirements

  5. Benefits & Perks

Well-structured job descriptions attract better candidates. Take time to customize each section for your specific needs and save it as your default template for next time.


Edit your job description

Our AI-powered editor helps you create compelling job descriptions. Once your report is generated, you can refine it using our AI-powered editor. Select any text to access AI editing options and you will see the following in pop-over:

Ask for Source

  • Ask AI to provide evidence from source document and verify statements against uploaded materials

Custom Edits

  • Ask AI any type of specific instructions that not pre-set from the quick edits. The AI is context-aware and will draw on the data sources you provided to complete your text (e.g. write an additional paragraph about X, add more details of experience Y, etc.)

While AI suggestions are helpful, always review and adjust the content to match your client’s voice and specific needs.


Export & Share

After finalizing your report, you have several export options:

Export Options

  • Copy to Clipboard Copies the raw text in the editor (without in-line formatting)

  • Export to Standard Word Export to a blank Word document (.docx)